Getting to Eleuthera
Getting to Eleuthera is easy with daily flights from Nassau, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Atlanta, Orlando, and Charlotte. Nassau is the shortest flight (just 20 minutes to Eleuthera), has the most flights per day, and has the least expensive flights .
The Bahamian dollar ($B) is equal to the U.S. dollar and Bahamian and U.S cash are used interchangeably. There are a few banks with ATM’s on the island where you can withdrawal cash. The ATM you can use depends on the type of card your origin country. Most establishments (grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, etc.) only accept cash. There are a few of the resorts, inns, and nicer restaurants take credit cards but most charge a fee, plus you will be charged an international fee by your credit card company (usually 3%). We have listed included which stores accept credit cards in the shopping sections.

The climate on Eleuthera is very mild with daytime high’s ranging from the upper 70’s to just shy of 90 and lows from the mid 60’s to upper 70’s. The Bahamas has a rainy season year-round, which explains our lush vegetation. Squalls and thunder showers pass through quickly, so rain never ruins your plans. May and June typically have the most rain, much of it falling in the northern and southern islands.
The speed limit is 45 on the highway and 15 in the settlements. The Bahamas follow British driving rules so remember to DRIVE ON THE LEFT!! The roads generally do not have a shoulder and do not have lines painted on them. Due to the climate in the Bahamas the roads break down rather quickly so they may seem a lot rougher than what you are used to. Most people are not comfortable going 45mph on these skinny island roads. Be aware of the locals who tend to drive faster than the speed limit and are occasionally known to pass on blind corners. If you find someone behind you who wants to drive faster than you, please pull over to let them pass as soon as you safely can.
Time Zone:
The islands of the Bahamas are on Eastern Standard Time, and use daylight savings time.
DUTY FREE in The Bahamas
Effective January 1, 1992, the Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas abolished all import duties on alcohol, perfumes, fragrances, crystal, leather goods, jewellery, fine linens, tablecloths, watches, clocks, photographic equipment, china, binoculars, and telescopes. Duty-free shops are marked with the DFS logo. Prices on these items are usually between 25-50% below U.S. prices.

Eleuthera has 3 airports We are located on Queens Highway about 15 minutes from Governors Harbour airport and about 30 minutes from North Eleuthera airport.
We offer the shuttle service between the airport and Eden Place at a cost of $ 50.u.s. and the same for the return to the airport. (whether you are 1, 2, 3 people the price is $ 50 for the trip)
If you are taking our shuttle service, please let us know in advance and let us know your arrival day, landing time and your airline.
Provide that the fee of $ 50 is payable on arrival in cash directly to our driver.